What is the Minnesota Voices on Health Panel?
The Minnesota Voices on Health Panel, also known as the MNVoices panel, is comprised of Minnesotans who have agreed to participate in surveys and share their opinions on emerging policy issues related to health.
Who sponsors the MNVoices Panel?
MNVoices surveys are conducted through a partnership between the Minnesota Department of Health and the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC). SSRS, a non-partisan public opinion research firm, manages panel operations and administers MNVoices surveys.
Who uses this information?
The Minnesota Department of Health and the State of Minnesota use answers from MNVoices surveys to better understand the health, health insurance, and health access of Minnesotans and to better inform policy decisions.
Will my answers to MNVoices surveys be kept confidential?
Yes. It is very important to us to protect your privacy. All of the information you provide will be kept strictly confidential. Your answers will be combined with those of others. Your personal information, such as your name or email address, is not associated with your answers and never shared.
How do I take surveys?
You can take MNVoices surveys online via your computer, tablet or smartphone. You will receive an email or a letter with a personalized survey invitation. You will be able to take the survey by clicking on the link or entering a unique access code. If you do not have internet access, you can take the surveys via phone.
Where can I see the results from prior MNVoices surveys?
Results from our most recent surveys can be found on the MNVoices Recent Work.
Where did you get my contact information?
Your household was randomly selected to participate in one of our recent surveys. At the end of the survey, you or someone in your household opted in to the MNVoices panel. As a reminder, your participation is voluntary.
How do I join the MN Voices on Health Panel?
The MNVoices panel is by invitation only. You may have been invited after taking one of our surveys by telephone or online. If you have already agreed to join the panel, check your email for our welcome message!
How do I opt out of the panel?
Panel members can opt out of MNVoices Panel simply by sending an email to our panel manager Terry Johnson at [email protected] with “opt-out” written in the subject line.
What do I do if I have questions?
Visit our Contact page.